Long Term Care Placement
Individuals make an application for admission to a nursing home in New Brunswick must apply for Long Term Care Placement. Inquiries should be made to the Department of Social Development (DSD) 1-866-444-8838. Information can be retrieved from the website www2.gnb.ca under Long Term Care services for seniors.
Upon admission, the neighbour’s family will be asked to designate a sponsor. The sponsor is the Power of Attorney (POA) or, if a POA is not in place, an individual who is the contact person and who will administer the Neighbours funds. The sponsor as the responsibility and gives direction for a neighbour’s belongings. A copy of the POA will be requested by the Business Office upon admission. It is important that the sponsor keep the nursing home informed of change in address and/or telephone number.
Financial Services
The business office is available Monday-Friday. Family/Sponsor must make prior arrangements with the government’s financial assessor to determine a neighbour’s eligibility for government subsidy before admission. The neighbour will be required to pay for the first 30 days as private pay if the financial assessment is not completed prior to the day of admission.
Our accountant is available to meet with family members prior to the day of admission to discuss means of payment. The preferred method of payment is by automatic withdrawal from the neighbour’s bank account. It is the responsibility of the neighbour’s family or his/her sponsor to see that the neighbour’s account is kept current.
The business office will explain and help administer trust accounts for neighbours.
Accommodations/Neighbour Rooms
Carleton Manor has 90 private rooms and 10 double rooms over five neighbourhoods: Glen Arbor, Eden Court, Everwood, and Upper/Lower Goodine Lane.
Outside each neighbour’s room is a Memory Box. It is important that each neighbour’s identity is recognized. Family is encouraged to bring items that speak of the life lived. The box is locked for safekeeping.
Upon admission, a fee of $15.50 will be charged to cover the cost of the name signs for the neighbour’s room and the directory at the main entrance.
Our rooms are spacious but not as large as our neighbour’s homes. As such, we are limited in how many personal items we can accommodate as our neighbour’s make our house their new home. We have white boards for purchase in our community office and we ask that pictures or photos on the wall be limited to 5 items. Our Environmental Service Staff would be happy to help hang these items. Personal items like a favourite quilt or blanket, or television, are encouraged.
The nursing home, under the Nursing Home Act, is obligated to protect its neighbours and staff. If a person is a threat to other neighbours, themselves or staff, the Home has the authority to discharge him/her with 15 days written notice. The same holds for non-payment on accounts over 30 days. All efforts will be made to reduce possibility of this happening with required communication along the way.