The Carleton Manor Foundation is a volunteer board dedicated to enhancing the lives of residents and their families at Carleton Manor. Through donations and fundraising efforts, the Foundation provides equipment, social enhancements, programs and building improvements, among other things, which are not covered by the operating budget of Carleton Manor.
The Foundation meets monthly or as needed, to plan events and fundraisers to raise funds which support the needs of the home. Additionally, they maintain and protect monies coming in through Legacy gifts such as endowments, bequests, Life Insurance, or transference of stocks or real estate.
The Foundation funded the beautiful outdoor Courtyard and the indoor Solarium with it’s huge fish tank as two very large projects which have brought much enjoyment to our neighbours. They also raised monies for an outdoor wheel chair accessible walking trail, a wheel chair accessible swing and specialized patio furniture to further enhance our outdoor spaces. The current concentration will be in replacing some in house very necessary items and purchasing new in house items to support a more comfortable life style for our neighbours.
We thank you in advance for your donations and know you will be richly blessed for your generosity.